Son of a Bitch…… For the time being,

I’m a Gypsy

Going from Starbucks to Starbucks sucking down Coffee and leaching Wi-Fi I have run into something I thought I was done with a long time ago… AT&T. And I’ve got to tell you something I almost forgot before I almost forget it again.

AT&T Has the absolute worst customer service of any corporation on the planet. As a matter of fact AT&T’s customer service SUCKS A$$!

 That’s Not Right

So like I said… I’m a Gypsy, I’m happily married but I can’t go home… Did I mention that the two older Coconut heads are in Custody? Really… No shit. And well… I can’t see the to small ones either, All I can do is sit and wait, wait for my wife to find a sitter so we can steal a few minutes together here and there in between me complaining to AT&T about their screwed up Wi-Fi.


mistakes were made by Matt Groening
I just like this… Don’t know why I put it here. Cartoon by Matt Groening.


 Now I’m Pissed

I was terrified at first when the (Bull)$h1t hit the fan but now I’m pissed… Really PISSED. I’ll just sit here and take it out on AT&T CS agents though. Cause I’m the good guy… Dammit, why do I have to be the good guy when… Beat Down by the Pigs… WTF?

Awww Never mind.